Testesterone Enanthate (Testosterone Enanthate) 10 ml



Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical

Release form:

10ml x 250mgml

Active substance:

Testosterone Enanthate

A country:






Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical testosterone enanthate is of high quality. Perhaps this manufacturer is not yet familiar to you, since it has recently entered the domestic market, but many athletes have already appreciated the quality of the company's products. Note that Testosterone enanthate price low and this is the basis of the policy of the manufacturer's management. The dosage is standard for this male hormone ester and one milliliter of the solution contains 200 milligrams of the active ingredient.

Due to the addition of an ether chain to the steroid molecules, the drug accumulates in fatty tissues after administration and is released gradually, thereby maintaining a smooth and high anabolic background for a long time. Testosterone is a powerful anabolic and produces a large number of positive effects on the body.

Properties of Testosterone Enanthate Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical 200mg

The duration of testosterone enanthate largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body and is 2-3 weeks. Moreover, its half-life is six to seven days. Let's highlight the main effects of the steroid:

  • Rapid set of muscle mass, which contains some amount of fluid.

  • Increased physical parameters.

  • Improves the quality of seminal fluid.

  • The metabolism of phosphorus and nitrogen is accelerated.

  • Regenerative processes in the body proceed rapidly.

  • It has a positive effect on the performance of the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

  • Helps reduce pain in the joints.

  • The number of red cells increases.

Application of Testosterone enanthate Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical 200 mg

If you want to run a powerful mass-gaining cycle, then you should definitely Buy testosterone enanthate. Since the drug has a long half-life, it can be administered once a week or a maximum of two. The recommended doses are from 0.2 to 0.5 grams, but still use an individual approach when choosing them.

On average, the enanthate cycle lasts 2.5 months. It is also important to remember that rehabilitation therapy after the cycle should be started no earlier than a couple of weeks after the last injection. Beginners should start using the drug with minimal dosages.

You will get the best results when using combined cycles. Enanthate goes well with various AAS. The most powerful mass-gathering ligaments are trenbolone, boldenone and anadrol. Enanthate courses require the mandatory use of antiestrogen.

Reviews for Testosterone Enanthate Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical 200mg

find today Testosterone enanthate reviews is no problem. This is a popular steroid used in sports for decades. For most athletes, the quality of the mass gained with it is satisfactory. With the right rehabilitation therapy, you can minimize the effect of a rollback, although you still will not be able to save all the results. But, despite this, the drug is considered very effective. With it, you will gain a lot of muscle mass and increase physical parameters.