Stanozolol 10 mg (Stanozolol)



Novartis Medical

Release form:

10 mg / 100 tablets

Active substance:


A country:






Stanozolol Novartis Medical

In the domestic market, drugs from Novartis Medical from Greece appeared relatively recently. However, Western athletes have been using these drugs for a long time and leave only positive reviews Stanozolol 10 mg. Now you can be convinced of the quality of this farm. The drug under consideration is based on the active substance of the same name. There is no doubt that every bodybuilder is well acquainted with Stanozolol. However, beginner athletes will be able to find something new for themselves in the following information.

Positive qualities and effects of Stanozolol

To begin with, this is a powerful anabolic, but it will not work to gain a large amount of muscle mass with it. We are now talking about the solo use of this anabolic. If you decide to buy Stanozolol 10 mg for combined courses, then the situation will change. Looking ahead, we note that it is in combination with other AAS that stanase is most often used.

But for athletes, in most cases, solo courses are enough. It should be recalled here that there is simply no safer steroid on the modern pharmaceutical market. If a woman is professionally involved in sports and wants to accelerate her progress, then she can order Stanozolol 10 mg and not worry about her health. We will talk about the rules for using the drug.

Here are some of the most important Stanozolol effects that made it popular:

  • Accelerates the process of liquid utilization.

  • Strength parameters and aerobic endurance increase.

  • Catabolic processes are quickly suppressed.

  • It is a strong fat burner.

Based on the properties of the steroid described above, it is possible to determine the scope of its application: drying, improving the relief of muscles, increasing strength parameters, gaining the most lean muscle mass when combined with other steroids. There is no need to talk about side effects, but only if all the rules for using Oksana are followed.

Combination and dosage of Stanozolol

Women during the day should not take more than 10-20 milligrams. Recall that Stanozolol has a low androgenic activity. In a similar amount, stanase should also be used by representatives of cyclic sports who only want to increase endurance. This suggests that the use of the drug in high doses can cause virilization. For men, the range of permitted dosages is much higher. Professional builders can use up to 80 milligrams daily.

Bodybuilding lovers should limit themselves to 40 milligrams. This is more than enough to get good results. And now about how to conduct combined courses. You can use any injectable drugs. There are a lot of options for excellent bundles, and their choice depends on your goals. If you want to dry out and improve muscle relief, then try the combination of Stanozolol with Testosterone Propionate. Stanaz is taken daily at 40 milligrams. Propionate should be given every other day at 100 milligrams. For bodybuilders who decide to gain quality mass in a fairly large amount, the Stanozolol-Testosterone Enanthate combination is definitely suitable. The scheme for using the first AAS has already been considered. Enanthate can be given twice a week at 250 milligrams.

Stanozolol reviews

Since this steroid appeared in our country relatively recently, reviews about it are not very common. However, some athletes have already managed to evaluate the effect of the anabolic and were completely satisfied with the results. On our own, we add that this is a high-quality and effective steroid, and Stanozolol 10 mg the price does not look too high.


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