Trenbolone Enanthate



Novartis Medical

Release form:

200mg/ml 10ml

Active substance:

Trenbolone Enanthate

A country:






Trenbolone Enanthate Novartis Medical

Trenbolone Enanthate is based on the active ingredient of the same name. This is a prolonged ester of one of the most powerful steroids. We recommend buying Trenbolone Enanthate for a mass-gaining course. It is during this period of training that he will be most effective.

Positive qualities and effects Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone is a derivative of Nandrolone, another popular steroid. The drug considered today is distinguished by a prolonged effect on the body. If you pay attention to the steroid profile of Trenbolone Enanthate, it becomes clear why it is so powerful. In terms of anabolic activity, tren surpasses the male hormone by four times, and in terms of androgenicity by two.

Unlike Nandrolone, Trenbolone is not able to convert into female hormones. However, it is impossible to say with complete certainty that it is safer – let's not forget about the strength of the effect of tren on the body. Let's look at the main effects of the steroid:

  • Only high-quality mass is recruited on the course.

  • Power parameters increase rapidly.

  • Lipolysis processes are activated and then accelerated.

  • Catabolic reactions are quickly suppressed.

  • Efficiency increases.

  • Increased libido.

Since this is one of the most powerful AAS on the market, the risks of side effects can be considered quite high. One can agree with this statement, but only partially. The fact is that anabolics have been used in sports for several decades.During this time, all drugs have been perfectly studied by scientists, which made it possible to draw up the most effective and safe regimens.

That is why we can say that a well-designed course of Trenbolone Enanthate can be safe. Speaking of potential side effects. Progestogenic activity immediately comes to mind. To suppress it, Cabergoline should be introduced into the course. Let us also pay attention to the rapid decrease in the activity of the HH axis. This in turn can lead to testicular atrophy. To avoid serious problems, after using the drug for 5 weeks, use Gonadotropin.

Combination and dosage Trenbolone Enanthate

Information about the rules for using the steroid will be useful to builders who decide to order Trenbolone Enanthate for the first time. The weekly dosage of anabolic is from 200 to 300 milligrams. In such quantities, the drug can be considered relatively safe. A further increase in dosages does not lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the course, but only increases the risk of developing side effects.

If you have already completed several cycles with the participation of tren, and they have ceased to bring the same effect, then start combining the anabolic with other AAS. There are a lot of options for such courses, you need to exclude only Nandrolone from the number of potential bundles. For example, a combination of Trenbolone Enanthate-Sustanon will allow you to gain a large amount of good quality mass. If Stanozolol is added to these drugs, then the quality of the mass will increase by an order of magnitude, and the muscles will acquire additional relief. Also, excellent results can be obtained from the combination of tren with Boldenone or Methandienone. In conclusion, we would like to add that our Trenbolone Enanthate price is liked by a wide range of bodybuilders.

Reviews about Trenbolone Enanthate

If you decide to study Trenbolone Enanthate reviews, then there will be no problems with this. The drug is very popular. The fact that most opinions about the steroid are left by professionals. Increases interest in them from bodybuilding lovers. After analyzing the reviews, we can conclude that the steroid is highly effective. In addition, it can be quite safe if you follow all the recommendations.


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