Stanozolol Suspension (Winstrol) 10 ml



Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical

Release form:

10ml x 50mgml

Active substance:


A country:






Winstrol Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical 50mg

Winstrol was created in the early sixties and has been actively used by athletes since then. If it is time for you to run a drying cycle, then the solution Winstrol buy will definitely be correct. The structure of the drug is similar to dihydrotestosterone, since the steroid is derived from this hormone. One interesting feature of this injectable should also be mentioned. If most anabolics are produced in the form of oil solutions, then water is used as a solvent in the production of Winstrol.

Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical's drug is not inferior to competitors in terms of efficiency, and its price sometimes looks more acceptable. If you have previously used Winstrol from other manufacturers, then we note that the dosage of this steroid is similar and there are 50 milliliters of the active ingredient in one milligram of the solution.

Properties Winstrol Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical 50mg

  • It gives the muscles a qualitative relief and increases the hardness of the muscles.

  • Promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body.

  • It has a powerful fat burning effect.

  • Appetite increases.

  • Inhibits the production of globulin. Thus increasing the effectiveness of all steroids used on the course.

  • It has antiprogestogenic and antiestrogenic effects.

  • Helps to improve physical parameters.

Application of Winstrol Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical 50 mg

If we talk about. Winstrol how to take, then the daily dose of the drug is 50 milligrams.The drug is able to effectively increase physical performance without increasing body weight. This can be used in those sports disciplines where there is a division into weight categories. Winstrol is also actively used by athletes, cyclists and representatives of other sports where endurance is of particular importance. With solo use of the drug, restorative therapy can be started within a couple of days after the completion of the cycle.

Winstrol is very actively used in combination cycles. When compiling combined cycles, it is desirable to use winstrol in combination with powerful androgens, say, testosterone esters, methane or anadrol. This will reduce the likelihood of androgenic side effects and increase the anabolic activity of AAS.

Reviews for Winstrol Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical 50mg

All of the above will confirm Winstrol reviewswhich can be easily found on the web. All athletes note a powerful fat-burning effect from the use of Winstrol. No wonder pro-athletes very often use the drug in preparation for the most important tournaments of the season.

We have already said that winstrol is used not only in iron sports. This is due to the ability of the anabolic to effectively increase the endurance of athletes. Also, the drug will be effective in power triathlon or weightlifting. With it, you can significantly increase your strength indicators and at the same time remain in your weight category. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of Winstrol, it is only important to use it correctly. The only drawback, and then with a big stretch, can be considered the need for frequent injections. However, this fact does not bother experienced athletes.


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