SP Equipoise (Boldenone SP Labs)



SP Laboratories

Release form:

200 mg/ml 1ml vial

Active substance:

Boldenone Undecylenate

A country:

Moldova (Moldova)





SP Equipoise Boldenone SP LABS

JV Boldenone steroid of animal origin, has a particularly pronounced anabolic effect. Against the background of analogue drugs, it has an increased strength of action, it is used to activate the growth of muscle mass.
Helps fight fatigue. It increases the supply of physical energy during training, while the external relief of the body after them becomes firm and very pronounced, and the results obtained are fixed almost forever.
Note the effectiveness of injections Boldenone gives a slow and even accumulation of good quality hard muscles. Therefore, obvious changes in the body become noticeable no earlier than after 8-10 weeks of injections.

special instructions

The optimal dosage of the steroid varies from 400 to 600 mg per week.
Injections Boldenone are done daily, intramuscularly.
The duration of the course and the volume of one injection is prescribed by a specialist.
After 2-3 weeks of injections, the schedule of injections should change, injections alternate every other day. To consolidate the results obtained, at the end of the course, for 1-2 months, injections must be done at least once a week.

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SP Equipoise

This drug is produced by SP Labs and is based on the substance of the steroid nature Boldenone Undecylenate. SP Equipoise, which you can buy in our store, has anabolic activity similar to the male hormone and reduced androgenic properties. Since Boldenone is a prolonged AAS, it can be used infrequently. This will definitely appeal to novice bodybuilders who can safely use this anabolic.

Positive qualities and effects of SP Equipoise

If you want to order SP Equipoise for the first time, then we suggest you get to know the drug closer. Boldenone has been very popular in power sports for many years. This is largely due to its versatility and effectiveness. It is also worth noting that the SP Equipoise price is quite attractive. However, this is typical of all anabolics from SP Labs.

Boldenone is not only effective, but also a safe steroid. That is why it can be used by novice athletes. On the course, the athlete will notice a fairly large number of improvements. We will not talk about all the positive effects of the anabolic now, but highlight the most significant:

  • The collected mass is of excellent quality.

  • Significantly increased power characteristics and performance

  • All tissues of the body receive the amount of oxygen necessary for normal functioning.

  • Very little flavor.

  • Improves venousness and relief of muscles.

A distinctive feature of the drug is a sharp increase in appetite. Every athlete should understand how important this is during the period of mass gain. We have already noted that Boldenone is one of the safest AAS. In addition to slow aromatization, it is also worth noting a slight suppression of the efficiency of the HPH axis.

Combination and dosage of SP Equipoise

The scheme for using the steroid is simple, and even in the first course of this anabolic, problems should not arise. Effective and safe weekly dosages range from 400 to 600 milligrams. This amount of the drug will be enough for amateur athletes. The duration of the course averages from 8 to 10 weeks.

If beginner builders are quite satisfied with the results that a solo course will bring, then with sufficient experience, it is worth using the steroid in combination with other anabolics. It should be noted that you can use Boldenone not only during the period of gaining muscle mass, but also during drying. To solve the first problem, you should pay attention to the SP Equipoise-Testosterone Enanthate combination.

With its help, you can gain good quality mass with minimal health risks. Put Boldenone twice a week for 200 milligrams. Enanthate is also administered 2 times for seven days, 250 milligrams each. To suppress the estrogenic activity of the prolonged male hubbub ester, Anastrozole should be introduced into the course.

Excellent results during the drying period can be obtained by combining the bold with Testosterone Propionate, Winstrol or Stanozolol. After completing a course using any of these ligaments, you will not only get rid of excess fat and improve muscle definition, but you will also be able to gain the most dry mass.

Opinions about SP Equipoise

Increasingly, SP Equipoise reviews appear on the net. This once again confirms the popularity of this AAS. All builders claim that the steroid allows you to achieve excellent results. At the same time, it is completely safe, if you do not violate the recommendations for its use.


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