Hygetropin (Highetropin)



Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co.

Release form:

10 IU in vial

Active substance:

Human Growth Hormone

A country:



A growth hormone



The price is per package (10 bottles of 10 IU)


Hygetropin (Hygetropin), like drugs from other manufacturers, is a recombinant human growth hormone. Consists of 191 amino acids. Its formula is absolutely identical to the natural human hormone.

Hygetropin produced by the plant Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co., official site http://www.hygetropin.com.cn.

Hygetropin is produced in China to satisfy the domestic market in the form of 8 units. and 10 units. Also, a significant part of the output is produced for export. Growth Hormone Hygetropin is produced in accordance with GMP standards. On the Russian market since 2008 (8 units) and since 2010 (10 units).

In February 2009, company representatives Somatrop, met with authorized persons of the plant hygiene, at a medical exhibition in Moscow. Then the Heigen plant (according to its representatives) first encountered, growing exponentially, interest in growth hormone, not only from patients and doctors, but also from athletes and people simply striving to be young, energetic and beautiful. Since the market in Russia at that time was represented by only 10-unit forms of GH from several companies, Haigen, meeting the wishes of Somatrop representatives, decided to release Hygetropin also in a dosage of 10 units.

Hygetropin is really a drug of a high level and quality, which gives visible results from the first days of use.!!!

The action of Hygetropin on the human body:

improvement of skin complexion and smoothing of wrinkles

– restoration of hairline in men (especially in the forehead and temples)

– general rejuvenation of the body, which is reflected in the excellent health and appearance

– acts as an excellent fat burner

– fast recovery after injury

All this is only a small part of what this drug affects. Hygetropin is especially popular among athletes whose body requires strengthening muscles and ligaments, rapid recovery from stress and the development of strength and speed qualities.

Description of the hormone Hygetropin.

Hygetropin is available as a white powder, which is packaged in glass vials with a rubber cap and a protective plastic cap. The powder itself can sometimes be slightly yellowish. It is produced in two official forms and dosages: Hygetropin 10 units, pack of 10 vials. Hygetropin 8 units pack of 25 vials.

Anti-counterfeit protection system for Hygetropin.

Each package Hygetropin has its own serial number (anti-counterfeiting code). You should be very careful and be wary of fakes, to check the originality you need to use the address

http://www.hygetropin.com.cn (official website of the manufacturer), which will indicate the criteria by which you can determine the original from a fake. Checking does not take much effort and time. You just need to erase the protective layer on the package and look at the sixteen-digit code. Next, you need to enter it on the site in a certain window. In recent years, fakes Hygetropinquite a lot is produced, they differ in the color of the caps, packaging, and the sites indicated on the packaging. And of course, they do not pass authentication when introducing an anti-counterfeit code

Application and dosage of Hygetropin.

The drug is recommended to be used as a supplement to the natural human hormone in case it is not enough in the body. When there are numerous malfunctions in the body, as well as problems at the genetic level.
The drug can also be used for cosmetic purposes. In this case Hygetropin perfectly burns the fat layer, regenerates the skin and does not allow the skin on the abdomen and buttocks to sag and stretch after rapid weight loss. Hygetropin perfectly affects the muscle mass, strengthening and developing it. The drug has a beneficial effect not only on the inside of the body, but also on the outside. So, for example, the appearance of the body improves. The face becomes visibly lifted and rested. With a sufficient amount of Hygetropin in the human body, aging slows down, so the use of the drug leads to a complete disqualification of premature wrinkles.

The drug has an excellent effect on mental activity and improves memory, and at the psychological level makes the mood and well-being more cheerful and calm.

There is also a growing number of reviews of older people who report that as a result of long-term use Hygetropin in small doses, they began to grow hair on previously bald areas of the head, and moreover, the hair took on its former color. those. Gray hair turned brown again, blond, etc. It would be like a fairy tale if Somatrope did not encounter such cases and quite often.

Hygetropin can be used in both childhood and adolescence. Only the proportion of the dosage changes. The drug is harmless. The only thing is that the effect of the drug on a person over 60 years of age has not yet been studied enough. As for the dosage, everything is calculated based on the weight of the person and the expected results from the drug.

Approximate dosage when using Hygetropin for medicinal purposes

If the growth of a child or adolescent has noticeably slowed down, and renal failure has also occurred, then Hygetropin can be used in a proportion of 0.7 U / kg per week.
In chronic renal failure, the proportions of the drug will be slightly increased – 1 U / kg / week. For burns on large areas of the skin, 16 IU / day is used.

Precautionary measures

This drug should be used in accordance with the individual characteristics of the human body. Hygetropin is forbidden to be used by pregnant women and people who are prone to the appearance of various tumor processes.


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